Blended families are becoming more common in today’s society, where divorce and remarriage are more prevalent than ever before. If you’re part of a blended family, you already know that it can be challenging to blend two or more families together into a cohesive unit. However, one way to celebrate your blended family’s unique bond and create lasting memories is by scheduling a blended family photo shoot.

Here are ten reasons why you should consider scheduling a blended family photo shoot:

  1. Celebrate your unique family: A blended family photo shoot is an opportunity to honor and celebrate your unique family unit. It’s a chance to capture what makes this new family special.
  2. Create lasting memories: A family photo shoot is an excellent way to create lasting memories that you and your loved ones will cherish for years to come. When you print those photos and showcase them on your walls each member of the family will feel included and loved within your home.
  3. Include everyone: A blended family photo shoot allows you to include everyone in your family, including step-parents, step-siblings, and other extended family members.
  4. Establish a sense of unity: A photo shoot can help establish a sense of unity and togetherness within your blended family. A photo is worth a thousand words and showing the blended family as one unit goes further than many conversations.
  5. Show off your family’s personality: A family photo shoot is an excellent way to show off your family’s personality and showcase your individuality. Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Include activities that everyone loves.
  6. Strengthen bonds: A photo shoot is an opportunity to strengthen bonds and create a closer relationship between family members.
  7. Make your family feel special: A family photo shoot is a way to make everyone in your family feel special and loved. Include locations that are special or items with special meanings.
  8. Allow for multiple combinations within the photoshoot to honor the different family units – kids, parents, original family units, and then all together as the family you are today.
  9. Create a sense of belonging: A photo shoot can create a sense of belonging and help your blended family feel more connected.
  10. Have fun: Most importantly, a blended family photo shoot is an opportunity to have fun and create happy memories together.


I’m a trade and customs compliance manager by day and a Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky photographer by night and weekends. Just like with compliance I aim to continually learn more about photography and become better every day! My nerdiness is fulfilled by my day job and my social butterfly side is filled by my photography. Spending time with people who are beautiful on the inside, that have a great personality and enjoy life is the ultimate goal! Capturing photos of couples and families while they hang out, laugh at inside jokes and share their authentic personalities is my ultimate goal. Just like with families showcasing small businesses is a passion of mine. Partnering with them to identify ways to share their individuality, expertise, and personality through portraits allows me to blend both my years of business experience with my photography skills so they have content to share socially that represents their brand for both current and future clients.

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